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Monday, February 25, 2008

GA Retreat 08 

Pizza Iron Chef Competition and Group 3 got top points for all 4 categories: Creativity, Taste, Theme, Appearance... =)

Introducing the The Transforma-Ripple Pizza!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Haha... so here I am blogging just to make sure I'll remember these events that happened...

Sunday 16th Dec 2007
Amazing day with the record high (my record in AA) of 1 ft worth of snow... My poor Focus can barely more 20 meters before I gave up. Must be because it's still early in the morning at 8am that I'm not thinking straight. Good that I gave up and decided to bash through the snow-covered pavement to the Bursley bus-stop. Managed to get into service on time but didn't help with the set up of equipment since I'm effectively late for that.

Monday 17th Dec 2007
Dug the car out and decided to change the tires. Never thought that changing tires can be such an adventure. Went to discount tires at Arborland Mall and, like all my first time purchases, was talked into buying a set of 4 Falkan tires instead of 2 Barum tires we initially decided on. Anyway, we are supposed to get 50usd for trading in 2 of the old tires. BUT, the sales rep did not key in the $50 rebate (MISTAKE #1). So we had to wait for an hour before we can collect the car. And we got it 50 mins later. When we got the car, it's kind of fishy since we got Barum written on the tires. Didn't take it really seriously and went home but felt that it is necessary to confirm. Lem found out that they are the cheaper Barum tires (MISTAKE #2). I called in and ask them about mistakes 1 and 2. After putting me on hold for a min, they told me to go back. So I drove 3 miles back. Here is the most horrible part. The sales rep had the cheek to tell me that the ones on my car are actually the same grade as the Falkans I'm supposed to have. So I insisted that the internet showed that the Barums are 20usd cheaper per tire on THEIR website. This is the most dishonest part. Anyway, if we did not do a proper check, we would be paying 50 + 4 x 20 = $130 more when they happily deny any responsibilities... Anyway, I'm really pissed at this point and demanded for the extra 30usd discount we found on the website. and they gave us back 160usd in all. I do understand that businesses can be protective of themselves and deceptive, but all these that they did to me is really horrible since they probably know that I'm new to this tire-changing thing.

Lesson Learnt: Be really careful when dealing with sales and check the products you receive. It can save you almost half of your $$.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Random Photos of Life in Perth (Mostly Food) 


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More Details... 

Sorry to disappoint u guys... But the wedding will only take place 2yrs later (if all goes well)... Pop the question a little earlier than most will expect.. cos a really sweet proposal idea came up and I feel it's about time too... I mean I'll either do it this year or next... So I've decided to do this...

A seaplane ride from Rose Bay in Sydney to a nice little beach (bout ?50m away, Hallets Beach) to have a romantic picnic lunch... Thank God for the good weather that day (it's been raining the other 3 days we were in Sydney)... And that's where I popped the question (and the ring of cos)... No flowers until we returned back to Rose Bay... Haha... I think that came as a surprise too... =p (although popping the question seem to haf stunned her more than surprise her... haha) This was followed by a nice Jap dinner by Darling Harbour and dessert at Pancakes on the Rocks... Yummy yummy... =p

More details? Okie... The NGs to the whole plan...
- Supposed to do this whole thing on 28th June but got postponed to 29th June due to bad weather... Was so stressed that I hafta check the weather forecast everyday since 1 mth before the Sydney trip... The bright side of things was that the weather on 29th was beautiful... Coincidentally, it happened to be the 15th of the Fifth Lunar month... Not much of a significance except that there was a reallie nice round moon that night which we could admire at during dinner by the river...
- I'm not particularly sure of the way to get to Rose Bay, and almost walked 2kms that morning to get there. After realising that itz too far, I decided to flag down a cab... Phew...
- The flight to Hallets beach was nice with gd scenary... I was told that we would be left on a secluded beach and be "left to our own devices"... But rather than a deserted beach, there were 2 fishermen in their little boat parked off the beach... They were there for an hour before leaving for good... Good thing we were at the beach for 3hrs and we spent the first hour having our nice lunch (roasted chicken, potato salad, crackers and cheese, white wine, bread with some kinda can meat - we left the chocolates and the biscuits untouched cos we were too full for dessert)...
Kept wondering when the fisherman would be so "kind" as to leave us alone and return us our romantic beach... So glad that they finally left and I popped the question... Still had a nice romantic time with only the 2 of us and the world behind us...
- The restaurant at Rose Bay looked reallie shabby and so reservation made earlier was cancelled... Plus we had too much food at the beach and a reallie turbulent landing on the return flight...
- We discovered a more convenient way to transit to the Rose Bay... Via the ferry... And so we went back to the city on the ferry and walked (to digest) to Darling Harbour... Wanted to eat Jap food so chose a reallie posh looking harbour front restaurant to haf dinner... Another less impt reason was that the waiter actuallie randomly guessed that we just got engaged that day... Haha...
- We also got a nice picnic bag and had to carry it along with the huge bouquet of lilies everywhere we went that night... We had to go back to North Sydney (Hornsby which is 50mins train ride from the city) and go to West Sydney (Lidcombe 40mins train ride from Hornsby) with all our barang barang cos we shifted accom from one to the other that night...

And so that ends off our memorable day... Although there were hiccups along the way, God was kind and we had a pleasantly unforgettable time to remember for the rest of our lives...
A new story unveils and let's pray that it'll be happily ever after... =p


Friday, July 06, 2007

Proposal Photos 

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

She said YES! 

Will be back to blog more... Back in Perth now...


Friday, June 01, 2007

Singapore Library sucks... 

They provide wireless but not enuff seats.

They provide powerpoints but forbid ppl from using for long.

Wat the hack provide service and den I cannot even relax and not be bothered bout some uncle coming to tell me or others this and that...

Anyway, I'm at Taka's Library@Orchard...

Never had such problems back in school...


Not as if today is some weekend with lots of ppl... It's mostly empty!!!

By the way, the wireless is kinda spotty too... keep getting d/c
